18th Serbian Political Science Association (SPSA) International Annual Conference
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Political Science, October 26-27, 2024


Call for panels and papers

We are pleased to announce the call for papers and panels for the upcoming 18th Annual Conference of the Serbian Political Science Association (SPSA). Upon reflecting on the exceptionally large number of elections to be held worldwide this year, the overall theme of the conference is “Super Election Year 2024.” 

The general conference section features original research on all topics related to political science, political theory, political economy, media studies and international relations. The conference features research on Serbia, the region, or research with a comparative agenda, including country studies.  This section will include a roundtable of the Balkan Political Science Association, with representatives of country associations and the theme “Post-Yugoslavia”.

Proposals can be sent in English, or in the regional languages. There is no conference fee for participants. 

The conference will feature two keynote addresses:

Nic Cheeseman
University of Birmingham (UK)
“Why the ‘Year of Elections’ is Not a Good Thing for Democracy?”

Filip Kostelka
European University Institute (Italy)
“Should Participative Theorists Be Grounded? For a Realistic Approach to Citizen Participation”


Paper and panel proposals

The Serbian Political Science Association publishes two academic journals, annual conference proceedings and various other publications.

The BPSA hosted a round table on the rise of illiberalism and far right extremism at the 2016 Annual Conference of the Serbian Political Science Association in Belgrade.